Friday, June 14, 2013

Mission Moment: Guidelines for Sisters

Good Morning!
I currently live in Provo, and as a result I am friends with several people that work at the MTC. From talking with them, I have learned about what life is like for a sister missionary in the MTC, and also how they should be dressing.  So, today I decided I would share my tips for the sisters, and later I will do one for the elders.
1. Weight Gain
We have all been there. You are out buying clothes for your mission, and you have brought along someone who know you and love. You try on that skirt and it is perfect! It fits you just right and is below the knees and everything.  Just then your friend chimes in that while it looks great, you might want to buy that skirt in the next size up because you will probably gain weight on the mission. You enthusiastically share that you will actually be the exception :) You spent three hours on Pinterest the other day, compiled a list of workouts, and cannot wait to start your new fitness routine! At this rate, you will probably even lose weight on your mission! 

Then your friend laughs. 
Wah wah waaaah....

Don't distress my friends! I have learned that actually the time when most sisters gain weight on their mission is in the MTC. Think about it- you eat, sit, eat, sit, eat, and then sit some more. Somewhere in there you have half an hour of workout time, but most of it you are trying to find a place to spread your yoga mat or get into the "zone". So the solution? Portion control. It can be hard because, let's be real: 
mormons love free food. But resist the urge! Just don't go back for a second chicken burger and you should be good.

2. Clothing

           -Skirts. Needs to fall between the bottom of your knee cap and mid-calf. No slit above the knee. The shortest your hemline can be is covering your knees when standing and sitting. I get it, from a girl who is 5'9" I know it is hard to find long enough skirts. The MTC people even joke and say that the length is "otherworldly" because you literally cannot find it in this world! 

I know Alice. Mismatching hems are the worst!
So remember the max being a good few inches above your ankles? Remember that. Do. Not. Bring. Maxi. Skirts. Or. Dresses. They will just take it and cut it off of your skirt, and you can be left witha  sloppy hem. Then guess what happens? That strip gets thrown into a basket in the MTC Laundry, and then at random a girl takes that strip of fabric from your maxi skirt and attach it to another girl's skirt that was deemed too short. They don't even really try to match it, they just patch it! (see what I did there?) :D 

Also make sure that your skirts are not too clingy and showing off that bootay. Need to keep it professional here ;)

             -Shirts. Just have it be modest. Nothing sheer that can expose your G's or anything, and keep it professional. However wearing a "shade tee" under a button up blouse is ok as long as the opaque shirt that is underneath is modest too. As far as necklines go, just make sure you don't have any of your décolletage on display because it can be distracting and again, unprofessional. Also some shirts can cover your cleavage, but can still be a bit wide-cut so they might show your G's when you don't realize it. It's a bit tacky if you ask me, and may cause weird questions to be asked by non-members.  I suggest giving all of your clothes a "dry-run" where you try them on together and make sure that no matter how you move, you are all covered.

And above all, remember that you need to look your best!
You don't want the MTC peeps look at you and to be all 

3. Working Out
      I have heard that in the field your work out time will be in the morning, but when you are in the MTC you all have different spots throughout the day. As a result, you might be working out at 6 am, 1 pm, or even 7 pm. I recommend bringing two types of bottoms, one pair of shorts and a pair of pants. That way if you are going running in the morning, you won't freeze to death or if you are working out inside, you won't overheat because you brought shorts.

      As far as the MTC guidelines for working out modesty goes, bring a t-shirt that is not too tight. Also let's be real, it's easier to work out in one that is decently loose. If compression tops are your thing like Mr. Brad Pitt here, feel free to bring a few but you will have to wear a loose t-shirt over it. Same thing with bottoms, you cannot wear a pair of running tights by themselves because they are too tight, so if you bring them for warmth reasons you will need to wear a pair of knee length shorts over it. As far as pants that are not too tight, the main thing is that it just cannot be too tight on your derriere.

      While you cannot listen to music on headphones at any other time since it separates you from your companion, the exception to that rule is when you are working out. The music still needs to be missionary- appropriate so no listening to Eminem even if that is your jam. I guess if you really wanted to and were a bit devious, you could get away with it, but remember- Exact Obedience brings Exact Blessings. 
     As far as places where you will be working out, I have heard that there is a gym in the MTC (not sure if that is true or not) but I do know that you can just find a quiet corner to lay out your yoga mat and do those Pilates. Also I have seen missionaries running around the temple, so I know you will have that opportunity too.


  1. This was great :) Thanks for posting!

  2. Bummer to hear about the maxi skirts, but thanks for the heads up!

  3. Dude, I can't stop laughing. Mushu. Enough said. LOVE IT!

  4. There is a gym in the MTC. The MTC Bookstore also sells basketball shorts and sweatpants that the missionaries can buy with a missionary discount. And tons of t-shirts!
